Tsotsi Review

Tsotsi is a movie about how a cold-hearted thug transforms into a more caring and decent man. Some of the movie´s main focuses are character development, poverty, sacrifice and education.

The movie starts off with Tsotsi, an unsympathetic thug in the South African Township Soweto. Tsotsi and his gang go around in Johannesburg where they rob and murder as they see fit.

Later, he accidentally kidnaps a baby and shoots the baby´s mother while stealing a car. He doesn’t know what to do with the baby. He tries to take care of it, but with no luck.

After a while, he forces a woman to nurse it. Tsotsi starts bonding with the baby and does not want to deliver it back.

The woman who is taking care of the baby, finds out about the kidnapping. Tsotsi freaks out and goes to the baby´s house. In the end, Tsotsi delivers the baby back after talking with the baby´s parents and he is arrested immediately after.

The movie uses warm colours to show off Soweto by daytime. This represents a society with soul and vibes even though it´s a really poor area. Cold colours are used during the nighttime. This may represent the harsh reality they live in.

The movie does also use sounds in a cool way. Snake hissing is for an example heard when Tsotsi is stalking the old man in the wheelchair. This creates a feeling of fear and suspense.

To conclude, Tsotsi is a good film with an exciting plot and interesting character development.

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